Our 2023 Grants

We have made grants for £18,000 from our community fund for projects to be run in 2023.

This is the sixth set of grants to local charities made from the proceeds of our energy generation. It brings the total donated to date to approx. £65,000.

For the first time, all four grantees are charities who have previously received Orchard grants. We have funded them this time to continue or develop a range of local activities that achieve environmental and social benefits at the same time.


Abbey Physic Community Garden


Towards its 'Cooking for the Mind' project to reduce loneliness and social isolation by participating in meaningful practical tasks and sharing skills, support and knowledge.

Brogdale Collections


For its Youth Education Activities supporting disadvantaged children aged 5-11 years with little experience of rural environments. The grant will support up to 1,000 children to have an unforgettable experience at Brogdale.



To support its 'Sustainable Clothing for women and children' (Sharewear) project. This will provide access to free clothing for disadvantaged women and children while reducing textile waste.

Slough Fort Preservation Trust


For conservation of nature at Slough Fort to benefit wildlife, people with mental health issues, local schools and youth groups and the general public.